We are pleased to announce a new website that we hope can serve as a resource for the computability theory community.
The URL is computability.org.
Some key features include:
* (incomplete!) directory of computability theorists
* section for news and other announcements, which automatically posts mailings from COMP-THY
* list of meetings and conferences
* blog in the style of Stack Exchange, where users can discuss questions and problems, and post announcements and proofs of research results, particularly those not yet in paper form
* new interactive viewer for the various computability-theoretic zoos, including the computability menagerie and the reverse math zoo
The current admins of the site are Verónica Becher, Damir Dzhafarov, Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen, Carl Mummert, Ludovic Patey, Noah Schweber, Mariya Soskova, and Linda Brown Westrick.
We would very much like to encourage anyone interested to join us, either by registering, or just emailing us with tips and suggestions. Registered users can also post to the blog, and create their own pages. The latter can appear under the computability.org URL, which makes for nice and easy-to-remember web addresses. For example, a recent meeting on Ramsey’s Theorem and Computability Theory in Rome used the URL rome2018.computability.org.
If you have any questions, please let us know. We hope this can be beneficial to the community at large.
Damir, on behalf of the administrators.
Damir Dzhafarov
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
University of Connecticut
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
University of Connecticut