Dear colleagues,
Please find below a call for applications for different types of positions at the University of Bordeaux.
Laurent Bienvenu
Chargé de Recherche CNRS
LaBRI, Université de Bordeaux
Laurent Bienvenu
Chargé de Recherche CNRS
LaBRI, Université de Bordeaux
351, cours de la Libération
We are pleased to inform you that several recruitment opportunities are currently or will soon be promoted within the framework “Initiative of Excellence of the University of Bordeaux” (IdEx University of Bordeaux), granted by the French national program Investing for the future.
Three individual calls for application are already published, each of them describing application modalities, examination processes and applicable calendars:
– Post-doctoral fellowship program: it is addressed to high-profile international young candidates promoting their own project to be developed in one of the site research teams;
– Junior Chairs: supporting young, high-profile international researchers in setting up a research activity within one of Bordeaux academic laboratories;
– Visiting Scholars, expected to contribute with their unique expertise to the development of research projects, training programs, innovation in higher education, or technology transfer.
We thank you for relaying this information to any person who might be interested in these opportunities.
Call for applications are available on the website: